Due the custom, handmade nature of our products, we can only accept exchanges for products not made to the described product's specifications at the time of purchase, for example: wrong size, wrong color or wrong personalized name.

If you received a product was not made with your specific size, name, or color, please contact use immediately via email to, within a period of 48 hours from the date of receipt of the product.

The email should include the following information:


  1. Name used when order was placed.
  2. Mailing address, email and phone number of the person who is requesting the return.
  3. Order number.
  4. Order date.
  5. Date when order was received.
  6. Description of the product.
  7. Reason for request.
  8. Photos of incorrect product, if applicable.


Once the request is received, we will attend to it and evaluate it within 3 business days. If the we deem the request to be our error, we will authorize the request and provide a replacement product.  Normal processing times for a replacement product are followed and shipped using the same shipping method selected at the time of purchase of the original item.


All products leaving our facility are thoroughly vetted. We strive for quality so you may have a positive shopping experience. If you receive a damaged product, in its original packaging, please email us immediately at . Emails received after 48 hours from which the order was received, will not be considered for the purposes of this policy.

The email should include the following information:


  1. Name of person who made the order.
  2. Mailing address, email and phone number of the person who is making the request.
  3. Order number.
  4. Date when order was received.
  5. Description of the product.
  6. 2 Photos of reason for return, if applicable.


 We package our products with the utmost care and diligence to ensure it's safe delivery.  Damages covered by this policy, are not those that could have been suffered during the shipping process.